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IItemContainerProvider::FindItemByProperty method. 2 minutes to readIn this articleRetrieves an element within a containing element, based on a specified property value. Syntax HRESULT FindItemByProperty(IRawElementProviderSimple.pStartAfter,PROPERTYID propertyId,VARIANT value,IRawElementProviderSimple.pFound);ParameterspStartAfterType:.The UI Automation provider of the element after which the search begins, or NULL to search all elements.propertyIdType: PROPERTYIDThe property identifier. For a list of property IDs, see.valueType:The value of the property.pFoundType:.Receives a pointer to the UI Automation provider of the element. Return ValueType:If this method succeeds, it returns SOK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
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Hello, I know that some people have had this message in the past - 'Microsoft Flight Simulator has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available' However - in my search for a solution - I have only come across some vague fixes for previous Windows operating systems i.e. Windows XP, Vista.
RemarksFor virtual lists, the element returned may be a placeholder. Can then be used to make the item fully available.The method returns EINVALIDARG if searching by the specified property is not supported. Most containers should support and, if appropriate, and.If propertyId is 0, all items are a match.
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This value can be usedwith pStartAfter equalling NULL to get the first item, and then to get successiveitems. In this case, value should be VTEMPTY. RequirementsMinimum supported clientWindows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP3 and Platform Update for Windows Vista desktop apps UWP appsMinimum supported serverWindows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 desktop apps UWP appsTarget PlatformWindowsHeaderuiautomationcore.h (include UIAutomation.h)DLLUiautomationcore.dllSee AlsoConceptualReference.

Reference Table for Windows Version NumbersOperating SystemVersion DetailsVersion NumberWindows 10 (1903)10.0.18362Windows 10 (1809)10.0.17763Windows 10 (1803)10.0.17134Windows 10 (1709)10.0.16299Windows 10 (1703)10.0.15063Windows 10 (1607)10.0.14393Windows 10 (1511)10.0.10586Windows 1010.0.10240Windows 8.1 (Update 1)6.3.9600Windows 86.2.9200Windows 7 SP16.1.7601Windows 76.1.7600Windows Vista SP26.0.6002Windows Vista SP16.0.6001Windows Vista6.0.6000Windows XP 25.1.2600 3. comes built-in to Windows 10. is pre-installed as a replacement for. Brand-new versions of Mail, Calendar, Maps, and Photos.
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