Ejabberd Mod_archive Install

Posted on admin

Ejabberd modarchive with MySQL on Ubuntu. Nov 25, 2009. Follow these steps to enable modarchive: Install the MySQL ODBC driver, apt-get install libmyodbc. Create an ODBC configuration for ejabberd at /etc/odbc.ini. Install ejabberd on centos7. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Bin bash#This script installs a ejabberd on centos7echo 'Updating packages. 'sudo yum update -yecho 'Install wget 'sudo yum install wget -yecho 'Download EPEL 'wget 'Install EPEL 'sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-7.rpmecho 'Install Ejabberd 'sudo yum install -y 'Start service 'sudo /bin/ejabberdctl startecho 'Register Admin 'sudo /bin/ejabberdctl register admin localhost password#make sure you give the user you just created privileges so you can see the whole control panel.#acl:# admin:# user:# - 'admin': 'localhost'# append these lines to the end of your ejabberd.yml file and restart.

Modders like jonx0r are what's wrong with the modding community. Accidentally hurt their egos with constructive criticism?

Maybe they're having a bad day? Trump won the election?

Too bad, bye bye mods. Goo goo gaa gaa!!! This is why cathedral modding is far superior to parlor modding.The sheer fact that the mod author doesn't let caretaker reupload this to nexusmods only serves to prove how much of a self-entitled spoilt child he is.Go and get this mod from instead and show some support for the people that actually care about sharing mods.Much love.

Those of you who are crying about how mod authors are not allowed control over their mods except to appease degenerates like you (especially the review under me), take your head out of your ass. You are the most entitled bunch of children I've ever seen and you have the audacity to call others entitled because they removed a mod(s) that they created for free for others' enjoyment.You don't have to like it, but throwing a hissy fit because now you can't play the mod in your game anymore is seriously pathetic. You want to cry and complain that mod authors need to ignore their own lives and pump out updates and are not allowed to do whatever they want with THEIR mod(s)? Look in the mirror.Children like you are precisely why many authors remove their mods. You're never satisfied and your so-called 'constructive' criticism involves little more than complaining about minor bugs which are likely explained in depth or are caused by your stupidity. Pros:. About 2-3 hours of new content.

The new island included in the mod is fairly well detailed. Lots of new locations and hidden easter eggs to reward players that choose to explore. New ambient music tracks are pretty well done and fit in with the main game.Cons:. Boring main quest.

Huge winding dungeon crawl just to kill a dragon, something the main game is oversaturated with. Very few side quests. I could barely find anything else to do once the main quest was done. Too much copy/paste from existing locations in Skyrim. Landscape is very generic, looks identical to Skyrim, nothing new.

Poor voice acting, poor audio quality, poor writing. Buggy/unstable, potentially savegame corrupting. Uninstalling this mod will require you to reload an older save. From what I've heard, this mod has had a long history of technical issues.

Ejabberd Documentation

Author is a selfish asshole that took the mod down from Nexusmods in a hissy fit.I'd recommend trying Beyond Skyrim, Vigilant, or Falskaar first. Maybe if you've already tried everything else and still want new content. Just back up your save game first before installing this.

Ejabberd Mod_archive Install

We love your work. The vast vast majority of us do, extended encounters and wyrmstooth both are a labour of love. It's a giant boon to the modding community and yourselfIf someone (don't look down this page) decides they're gonna spend the time to 'review' your hobby then eff them. Eff them in the A.

Hard and put it outta your mind. Especially those who pretend they know yourself and why you do the things you do. Eff um' all, let them crawl back to their granny's basement and post random shit online.Thank you for all the hard work and to still share your creativity after all this time. And shitty 'reviews'. Just came across this page and unlike the useless comments below decided to write an actual review.World Design - ● ● ● ○ ○While the island isn't flat as a pancake it is still quite bland and empty. Author tried and failed to give the island a Morrowind/Far Harbor flavor as it still looks too much like basic Skyrim.

Very few custom assets were introduced and the visually appealing locations like the swamp are places the player is unlikely to ever see as they are completely uninvolved in the main story.Level Design - ● ○ ○ ○ ○Author copied and pasted vanilla dungeons together. Even house interiors. I'm sorry but you get an F. There is one completely dark dungeon that was quite eery.

Good concept I guess but again it's completely uninvolved in the main quest so most players will never see it.Sound Design - ● ● ● ○ ○Some new ambient sounds expecially along the coast. Most of it is stock or royalty free from, I highly doubt the author took the time to record actual environmental sounds. New ambient sounds should've been added to dungeons to make them seem a bit less generic but that would've required some effort.Music - ● ● ● ● ○Probably the only redeeming feature of this mod. Not quite sure I understand why the composer got involved in this project in the first place, but sure. A pity there were only a handful of tracks.

There are lots of mini-dungeons that could've used their own unique track or two. Day and night could've used a few more tracks as well but the composer probably realised the mistake he was making and booked it.Voice Acting - ● ● ○ ○ ○A bit of a mixed basket. Don't get me wrong, I don't think the voice ACTING is particularily bad per se, but the audio recording quality on the other hand is a different story. The NPCs you spend time with the most also have the worst audio quality.

And yes, there is a difference between voice acting and audio recording quality.Writing - ● ○ ○ ○ ○Some lines made me cringe so hard I actually felt pain in my chest. I'm not making that up for this review either, I actually did feel genuine pain - the kind you get when you hear somebody scraping their nails down a chalkboard. I feel sorry for the voice actors.

Pro tip for mod authors out there: if you can't write, don't. Bring somebody else on board to write the NPC dialogue and journals instead.Story - ● ○ ○ ○ ○'Go to new island, take the longest route possible to get to the dragon's lair, kill said dragon. Still a better love story than Twilight.Stability - ● ● ● ○ ○Unlike some of the horror stories I've heard about this mod I never encountered any save-game corrupting crashes. I encountered a few CTDs, some were self-inflicted by my own stupidity, but some occurred while I was just walking around the island. I know the performance optimization for new worldspaces is completely broken in Skyrim's Creation Kit and mod authors are forced to work around it so I don't know what to suggest here.Overall - ● ● ○ ○ ○If you like basic no-mod Skyrim, a boring 2-3 hour dungeon crawl copy/paste and can stand crusty voice acting reading painfully bad lines of dialogue then this mod is for you.

For the rest of us without autism, I would suggest trying Vigilant, The Forgotten City, and Beyond Skyrim Bruma instead for their quality and attention to detail. You took down your mods and obliterated your online presence because modding was taking over your life and you didn't trust yourself, and then you suddenly upload a 'newer' version of your mods on some backwater archive, going against the reason you removed your mods in the first place.How can we be sure you're really Jonx0r? How do we know you're the real deal and not some jerk using that name to avoid punishment or steal credit?If you really are Jonx0r, then prove it! Unban you r Nexus account and post these newer versions there. Send them to the Care Taker if you don't want to support them. Until you put these on a well-known mod site, we have no reason to trust that you're really Jonx0r.

First off let me say thank you for your work on this amazing mod, and for the countless hours you put into making this.I became a member on this site just to see if I could have a word with you. All positive, is there a way to contact you thru this site, and if not if you would email me cacycantwell@ I would appreciate it. No I am not a bot or anything like that, I just have a Idea for your work that is a option I am not sure you considered. Thanks again for your work even if you choose not to contact me.