Questions For Trivia Games

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  • Play free bible trivia quizzes and games online! Fun questions for all ages with Bible games including Jeopardy, Bible Baseball, Sainty Millionaire, and over 30 category specific trivia quizzes such as quotes, timelines, books of the Bible, people and geography.
  • This trivia game will put your knowledge to the test with questions about hundreds of popular films and shows — you’ll quickly find out who spends too much time in front of the TV. The Best of TV & Movies comes with a game board, 400 trivia cards and six playing pieces.

Play over 140,000 trivia quizzes and games! Movies, sports, TV, geography, and much more. Your HQ for over one million trivia questions on thousands of topics. How much do you know?

Try searching Google for 'funny trivia.' I'm not talking about trivia that's fun, because most good trivia is fun. I'm talking about laugh-inducing trivia.

Stuff that's really funny and well-written.This game is intended to cause laughter. Hopefully it's like a comedic version of a trivia game. That being said, it's still a good trivia game.The game is intended to be played between two teams. The toss-ups should be read until one team answers. The team that answers then receives a bonus question that only that team can answer.


The game is suitable for bar trivia, similar to the format of Geeks Who Drink. Watch the video for an example of how the game is played.Enjoy!. Who is the only member of ZZ Top who doesn’t have a beard? (FRANK BEARD).

Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television? (FRED AND WILMA FLINTSTONE). Who was the first Twitter user to reach 20 million followers?

Her songs include The Edge of Glory, Judas, Born This Way, Bad Romance, and Poker Face? (LADY GAGA). Trivia team name trivia. Here’s the team name: “Was anyone surprised about Jodi Foster. She starred in a movie called The Beaver.” Who was the lead actor in The Beaver? (MEL GIBSON).

Millicent Roberts is the middle and last name of what iconic children’s toy? (Barbie). “All that money, and he’s still got hair like a fu. dinner lady” is something said about Elton John by what former signer and author of the 1995 autobiography TAKE IT LIKE A MAN. (BOY GEORGE). According to David Letterman, Sarah Palin experienced an awkward moment at a Yankees game when her 14-year-old daughter, Willow, was knocked up by what player? (Alex Rodriguez).

Both of these things come in a posh box: a Rolex and what British soccer star? (David Beckham). What former American Basketball Association player, when told that his planes departure time was 8 a.m. But would land in St.

Louis at 7:59am due to a time zone change said “I ain’t goin’ on no time machine” and rented a car instead? (MARVIN BARNES). Based on a red carpet interview, of what Oscar-winning actor did Joan Rivers comment: “he makes Hitler look warm and funny”? The actor’s movies include Love Story, Eyes of Laura Mars, JFK, The Client, and The Fugitive.

(TOMMY LEE JONES). More trivia team name triva. Here’s the team name: Stuffing Torrey’s Holes Like Tiger. In what state is Torrey Pines located?

(CALIFORNIA). “His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork” is a quote from this famous actress, who had a notorious feud with Raquel Welch. (MAE WEST). “He has Van Gogh’s ear for music” was a quote from this director, whose films include “Buddy Buddy”, “Fedora”, “The Front Page”, “The Fortune Cookie”, and “Irma la Douce”. (BILLY WILDER). “They can’t play baseball.

They don’t wear sweaters. They’re not good dancers. They don’t play drums.

They are never seen drinking cappuccino in Italian restaurants with oriental women.” Who are they? (FISH HEADS). More trivia team name trivia. Here’ the team name: “Lance Armstrong finally had the ball to come clean.” Armstrong was the second man to “win” the Tour five times in a row, so who was the only man to win the Tour five times in a row? (MIGUEL INDURAIN). “Germans are flummoxed by humor, the Swiss have no concept of fun, the Spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight, and the Italians should never, ever have been let in on the invention of the motor car” is a quote by what writer, author of “A Short History of Nearly Everything” and “A Walk in the Woods”. (BILL BRYSON).

What singer/actor gave Marilyn Monroe a white poodle named Mafia? (FRANK SINATRA). Who wrote Barry Manilow’s chart-topping hit “I Write the Songs?” (BRUCE JOHNSTON).

“The Sad But True Story of Ray Mingus, The Lumberjack of Bulk Rock City, And His Never Slacking Stribe in Exploiting The So Far Undiscovered Areas of the Intention to Bodily Intercourse From the Opposite Species of his Kind During Intake of all the Mental Condition That Could Be Derived From Fermantation” is the longest song title ever at 305 characters by what group? (REDNEX). “I cut down trees. I eat my lunch. I go to the lavatory. On Wednesdays I go shopping and buttered scones for tea.” Who am I? (A LUMBERJACK).

He had a reaction to the aluminum powder in his make-up and had to abandon his acting role to go to the hospital. Name this actor, the original Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz (BUDDY EBSEN). 1997’s “Perdita Durango”, directed by Alex de la Iglesia and starring Rosie Perez as the titular anti-heroine is the only sequel to any of David Lynch’s movie. (WILD AT HEART). Hoyt Axton, who plays inventor Rand Peltzer in “Gremlins” was a renowned singer/songwriter.

His most famous song, “The Pusher” was covered by Steppenwolf and used in the soundtrack to what iconic Peter Fonda film? (EASY RIDER). “A Bug’s Life,” “Battle Beyond the Stars,” and “The Magnificent Seven” all owe a debt of gratitude to what Akira Kurosawa film? (THE SEVEN SAMURAI). More trivia team name trivia.

Here’s the team name: “Bruce Willis is a ghost and Batman dies at the end also Gwyneth Paltrow’s head is in the box.” Name the three films. (THE SIXTH SENSE, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, SEVEN). Nora Ephron was married to Nicholas Pileggi and used Henry Hill’s experiences in witness protection from Goodfellas for which of her films, starring Steve Martin? (MY BLUE HEAVEN).

What Alfred Hitchcock film features a flushing toilet for the first time? (PSYCHO).

The rock band Seven Mary Three formed in 1992 when Jason Ross and Jason Pollock met while attending The College of William and Mary. The band took its name from the radio call sign that the character Jon Baker used in what show? (CHIPS). Identify the artist or song from the misheard lyric: “Got my first real sex dream. I was five at the time. Played it till my fingers bled.

It was the summer of 69.” (BRYAN ADAMS, SUMMER OF 69). “I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it” is a quote from what American humorist and author. (MARK TWAIN). “Music journalists like Elvis Costello because music journalists look like Elvis Costello.” Was a quote from this musician whose solo albums include Skyscraper, A Little Ain’t Enough, and Diamond Dave.

He was also the lead singer of a band, but was replaced by Sammy Hagar. (DAVID LEE ROTH).

“My pony plays the mamba” is the misheard lyric from this song. The real lyric is “Marconi plays the mamba.” Name the song or group. (STARSHIP, WE BUILT THIS CITY). He was allergic to carrots. He was a famous voice artist.

He voiced a famous cartoon character. The cartoon character was a rabbit.

(MEL BLANC). Billie Holiday was the babysitter for what future Oscar host? (BILLY CRYSTAL). Famous people often have cause to insult other famous people for one reason or another.

We all know how embarrassing it is to give a wrong answer, particularly while under the pressure of your scowling teammates, but doing it on the air is another thing altogether. Provide the wrong answer to these easy questions:. When asked “Where is Cambridge University” on “Beg, Borrow, or Steal”, this contestant gave this answer, home of the Kilworth House Theater, Bradgate Country Park, and Welford Road Stadium. (LEICESTER).

When asked who had a worldwide hit with “What a Wonderful World” and then being prompted with hints such as “what do you call the part between your hand and your elbow” and “if you’re not weak, you’re.” and “what was Lord Mountbatten’s first name, this contestant came up with this member of the Rat Pack. (FRANK SINATRA). When asked on “University Challenge” what Gandhi’s first name was, this contestant came up with this answer, which is the word for playfully pinching somebody's behind and adding a 'y' on the end. (GOOSEY). When asked on “Richard and Judy” which American actor is married to Nicole Kidman, the contestant gave this answer, a title to an Oscar-winning Robert Zemeckis film. (FORREST GUMP)Identify the movie from what’s considered to be one of the worst pieces of dialogue of all-time:. “Must be weird not having anybody cum on you.” (SHOWGIRLS).

“I hate to disappoint you, but rubber lips are immune to your charms.” (BATMAN AND ROBIN). “Sack of wine!” (TROY). “It’s turkey time. Gobble.” (GIGLI). For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.


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Fun Trivia Questions For Workplace

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About Trivia Quizzes and GamesExperts say that when it comes to brainpower, you either use it or lose it. Playing trivia games regularly is one sure way to keep your mind active because it involves comprehension, cognition and memory skills. Questions are drawn from some of the most memorable events in history, science or popular culture. These quizzes are designed to be played in different formats: as an individual challenge, with a partner or as team play on game night.

We construct our quizzes to present escalating challenges. Trivia games deal with facts. Every question included in our games has been checked for accuracy and relevance.

You are free to quote them at your next gathering to show off some interesting facts you’ve picked up from playing trivia games. Doing trivia quizzes has also been shown to improve collaboration and communication skills, generate a healthy debate, relieve stress and promote harmony among many advantages.

The more you play, the more you know, and you can focus on the topics that are of great interest to you.