Windows 7 Glass Energy Blue Theme
1. Iron Man Themeby wallybescotty 2. WaterbombWatebomb is an excellent theme developed for windows 7. It is a theme with water backgrounds and clear aero. The theme has many built in features with custom desktop background,navigation icons, taskbar and much more. The theme can be downloaded for free and I’m sure you are going to love Adrenalize 3. Aerosnap 7Aerosnap 7 is one of the themes for your windows 7 that stands out. The theme is a powerful application that allows you to resize, arrange and maximize your desktop windows with just drag and drop.
Microsoft Posts Energy Blue Theme Pack for Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005. To select the theme, right click an empty space on your desktop, and choose Properties from the context menu. From the Theme drop-down box choose Energy Blue and press Apply. Below some screenshots of the Energy Bliss wallpaper. Aerosnap 7 is one of the themes for your windows 7 that stands out. The theme is a powerful application that allows you to resize, arrange and maximize your desktop windows with just drag and drop. You can simply drag a window to a slide of your desktop to snap it or drag it to the top to maximize it.

Windows 7 Super Glass Theme Download
You can simply drag a window to a slide of your desktop to snap it or drag it to the top to maximize it. You can also drag it back to the last position to restore the last window size. You can use the theme to resize your windows to half size with a single Freak180 4. Neon Windows 7. Neon 2C Windows 7 ThemeNeon is glowing theme designed for both X86 and X64 versions of windows 7.The theme is a perfect fusion between the darkness and clarity.

Neon has new window borders, new start menu look, a new stylish taskbar, back/forward buttons and much MrGrim 5. OS Windows Snow 7by Mufflerexoz 6.
Red FusionIf you like red, this is the theme for you. Red fusion is designed for X64 ATM. If you use it on X86 the program bar will show as the white bar, instead of the red one.
The theme includes 3x custom gadgets, an exclusive start button, 15 high resolution wallpapers, one logon screen and an app to change sergiogarcia9 7. NY Cityby Windowsthememanager 8. Skull Theme for Windows 7. Windows 7 Skull ThemeThis beautiful theme for windows 7 is compatible with both X86 and X64 versions of windows 7.The pack contains the files needed to change the visual style of your computer and well as the patches needed for the theme to DarkenedPoet 9. AeroVG Se7enThis stylish theme allows you to change desktop by providing, more transparent start menu and Taskbar, transparent addressbar and search bar in explorer, cool blue progressbar. The theme also provides glow effect in taskbar buttons, system tray, start menu, explorer addressbar and Vishal Gupta 10. Thalmpact VSThampact vs is a dark beautiful theme for your windows 7.The theme is compatible with both X86 and X64 versions of windows 7.The the gives a shiny dark look to your desktop.
I’m sure that you are going to like this elegant DjabyTown 11. Windows 7 Simple Black GlassBy feliipetaumaturgo 12. Windows 7 Ultimate Blackby nullz0rz 13. Kuro 2010– Aaron-A-Arts 14. Placeboby SolMiler 15. iFluxyby Caeszer 16. Mac OS for Windows 7by Imcoolkk 17. Windows 7 zune Themeby Nullz0rz 18. Call Of Duty 6 Windows 7 themeby Yonited 19. Desk 09 with New Windows 7 OSby Dr-Bee 20. Windows 7 Ubuntuby Nullz0rz 21. Kaori Probyby AppliArt 22. My Windows 7 Desktopby Xandir112 23. Windows 7 Flash Forwardby Nullz0rz 24. Light Windows 7 Themeby Yonited 25. PreBlack VS 1.1 for Windows 7by Vi20RickrMetal12us 26. Win8 orb for Windows 7by AP-GRAPHIK 27. KUOS – Windows 7 Enhancedby ChiEkku 28.
3D World by Windowsthememanager29. MacOS X for Windows 7 – 64bitby ZEUSosX 30. Mac Mountain lionby dhruv1998 31. The Fallenby Odd1outagain 32. Soft Windows 7 themeby Un6aBe3ii 33. Hell Theme34. 7 xDark Transformation Packby xuliikoo 35. TerraNova Betaby Caeszer 36. Moon Eclipseby Windowsthememanager 37. Prototypeby yonited 38. God Of War 3by Yonited 39. Windows 98 Plusby AnsonSterling 40. Nightfallby oliver182 41. Dragon Age Originsby Yonited 42. U-7imate RC2by rflfn 43. Harry Potter 6by yonited 44. Islamic Themeby Yonited 45. Earth HDby Windowsthememanager 46.

EluneThe Elune is a simple glassy theme by deviantART. The theme will give relaxing look to your desktop. It has brilliant navigation and caption buttons.
Theme has simply an awesome user interface which any one would love to minhtrimatrix 47. Sico Theme for Windows 7The sico theme has a new start panel, an enhanced user picture frame in the start panel, task bar with curved corners, a top shellstyle for explorer and also includes new buttons for your media player and much more. The visibility of options and icons is great.48. Heavy Rain49. Leo’s Revenge Aeroby Minhtrimatrix 50.
Windows 7 Black TransparentWindows 7 black transparent is a sharp black transparent theme for windows 7 by devaintART. The theme has elegant transparent window frames, with cool black desktop back ground, transparent taskbar, stylish start menu, navigation buttons and much PegassYou can also check. You can also learn.Filed Under: Tagged With.
Windows 7 Glass Energy Blue Theme Download
This is how I got it working.Change the power profile to 'Power Saver' (How to: Right click on the battery icon on the desktop select 'Power options' Select 'Power Saver').Unplug the charger and then go to 'Personalize' (right click on the desktop select 'Personalize ').Click windows color switch OFF 'Enable Transparency'.Save changes and exit 'Personalize'.Plug in the charger and then go to 'Personalize' (right click on the desktop select 'Personalize').Click windows color switch ON 'Enable Transparency'.Save changes and exit 'Personalize'I think this should solve your problem.