Convert Plc5 Program Controllogix

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  1. Slc To Controllogix Conversion
  2. Convert Plc 5 Program To Control Logix
  3. Plc-5/slc Interactive Migration Tool

Hello Gents,I'm tasked with preparing the replacement of our current 'fleet' of PLC5's with something modern and we're going with the Control Logix platform for it.I tried the conversion tool on RS Logix 20.01 to convert one PLC5 project to RSLogix and the result wasn't very good. There were some platform dependent errors that I was expecting, but the conversion basically creates a tag array with the N, F, B file types and unloading the code in a routine that is then ran at a set rate of 500ms with a timer to trigger it.One issue the original code has is that whoever commented it wasn't descriptive and I am starting from a poorly commented code and with very few variable names/descriptions that make sense.Has anyone done this conversion with a more recent tool of the code converter? And for the ones familiar with the AB platform, what would be your advice for this replacement? Yes I have worked on a PLC5 to Controllogix conversion project before. It was about 5 years ago so I forget the details.

Start by selecting the hardware and programming software that you have from the services menu above. You will be prompted to upload your PLC program. Once you have uploaded your program, our proprietary software will start the process of converting your code to the new platform. If it's on a PLC-5, and you have no plans to merge several PLC-5's into one Logix controller, CompactLogix is the more economical choice. A full-on ControlLogix is expensive and gross overkill for replacing a single PLC-5. Looking to see if anyone has done a migration from Rockwell PLC-5. You must decide to modify plc5 style logic, or move the new features into a new routine with new programming. Going to attempt a raspberry pi to PLC conversion. Couple of our other cells: one is a CompactLogix system, the other is ControlLogix.

We started by using the RSLogix5 to RSLogix5000 software converter, after that a lot of logic still had to be rewritten (changing tag names like 'N7' to more understandable tag names etc). Pretty much the issues you describe.

We also used these converter cables to avoid rewiring, see info below. This may be something to consider.The I/O Conversion System includes:.

Conversion Modules (Ex: Cat No: 1492-CM1771-LD001). Cables (Ex: Cat No: 1492-CONACAB005X).

Conversion Mounting Assembly (Ex: Cat No: 1492-MUA4-A13-A17). Yes, I am quite a fan of the migration kit - used in on 3 full 1771 racks so far, all full of 32 channel digitals with blue panel wire, unmarked.only issue we had with one of the digital output converters was the fact that there are 4 fuses on the converter, and one of them blew during comissioning. These fuses are not a Rockwell part, and Routeco could not get them for us. They are a 'LittelFuse', and we finally sourced some through Farnell from the USA.Changeover of each of the racks took about half a day maximum, whereas our near neighbours went for the total rewire route, and it took them much longer. We have a couple of L55 and one L61 that are both obsolete now and a whole bunch of PLC5/40. Considering that all are obsolete, my take would be to upgrade to the latest RSLogix (or RSStudio) and start from there.

You can determine some protocols based on the ports open on the printer. Driver olivetti anyway photo fax windows 7 0.

20.01 is what I have available at the moment.I've went through Rockwell's documentation on how to upgrade and we'll most likely go with those rack adapters. One thing that will happen is consolidating processes in one PLC, what is now 2 PLC's will fit in one.To be honest, I find the software on these really cryptic as most of the bits used have no description, there is a lot of logic for the remote IOs on DH+ that are just as cryptic. Hence why I don't want to go down the code conversion route as I'll then have to support something even more alien to me when we could have a program in place with proper comments and some of the newer features of the PLC (like AOIs).I was just wondering if the results would be better with a more modern version, but guess not.As for the complexity of the process, I don't think it's that complex (apart from adjusting the PID blocks) to translate.

The only problem would really be understanding what and how it was programmed in the first place.Any other tips? I suppose it depends then what processor you are heading for.if you future proof with the L81 series, then I think you will need the latest version, if it is an L71 series, then we are happy with V24 at the moment, as that captures our needs regarding hardware, although corporate want us to do a project (replacing 3x PLC5/80C processors) with an L81, so we will need version 30.The Hardware upgrade is straightforward with the rack adapters, you will lose your 1771 wiring arms as they are needed. Some say that is a potential failure point, and the last project we never fully converted all the cores, so had to take it partly apart again to complete the wiring.L55/L61 may be obsolete, but still very usable, depends what you are needing done. We had to update an L55 to an L71, due to issues with adding a Wonderware 2014 system which started giving serious memory errors on the PLC. The upgrade did fix it.On one system we did buy 1756DHRIO cards to communicate with the RIO Flex racks, which works fine, but then we have many 1794-RIO adapters spare from another upgrade. I do want to upgrade these to Ethernet racks at some point, but require to check cable lengths as some of our RIO racks are scattered about the siteI suppose it comes down to the planning of what you need. See what you have and what you need.Combining 2 PLCs into one is fine, we made sure the logic was separated in the new PLC so that the guys could follow what was done, although prefixing the tags can sometimes be confusing for them.

Cardosocea,As was already pointed out, version 20.01 has issues.before even starting to upgrade the plc, I would upgrade the software firstto avoid an issues in that software version. Has anyone done this conversion with a more recent tool of the code converter? And for the ones familiar with the AB platform, what would be your advice for this replacement?Code converter can only do so much, and with your situation I'm not sure what you are really expecting.

Slc To Controllogix Conversion


Converting something that is already 15-20 years old onto modern hardware, well cheap is what you get. My personal option, start re-writing it all together with modern practices. Not always an option as it will impact HMI/SCADA systems and such.

Plus management always thinks it's too expensive as is. Actually, it can be even easier than that. You didn't mention what HMI you are using. If you are using FTView then its objects connect directly to tags in the ControlLogix. There are very few tags created in the HMI.One issue I have with the conversion modules on old PLC-5 systems is: It forces you to use the exact same IO layout as the old PLC-5. Do you really want 8-point digital input cards in your new ControlLogix system?We're using iFix.

Convert Plc 5 Program To Control Logix

As long as I keep the same tag names, the driver will take care of the translation to the PLC. As much as I wanted to put the tagnames matching (as much as possible) between PLC and HMI, that would be a fairly big task to fix the images.About the IO, I still need to check what is actually installed after 30 years with little drawing updates and decide on it. Since one PLC will cover the job of quite a few current ones, we'll have remote IO modules replacing current IO racks. I've done the hardware conversion both ways- with the adapters and without. I prefer without. The PLC5 is taller than a CLX so you're left with plenty of extra wire length. And the end result is much cleaner, basically a brand new install with no new failure points and no ugly PLC5 rack sticking way out.

It really didn't take much longer to wire directly to the new CLX modules.Also, we had an issue once where we received a bad batch of conversion cables- one conductor was missing from each module! Took a while to figure that one out! I've done the hardware conversion both ways- with the adapters and without. I prefer without. The PLC5 is taller than a CLX so you're left with plenty of extra wire length. And the end result is much cleaner, basically a brand new install with no new failure points and no ugly PLC5 rack sticking way out. It really didn't take much longer to wire directly to the new CLX modules.That's a good point.

Plc-5/slc Interactive Migration Tool

I believe Rockwell's guide to migrating mentioned something about using the adapters to speed up migration and breaking it in chunks to reduce downtime. I also believe they recommended at the end to remove the adapters as the rest of the system had been proven and then the final step would be cleaning up the installation.Thanks for your input.