The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploads

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How to fix 'The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/'. The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2017/06. You may also see errors like this when trying to add a file. Do NOT change permissions on your /wp-content/uploads folder to 777.

  1. The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploads Youtube
  2. The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploads Pdf
UploadedThe Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploadsWp-content/uploads

The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploads Youtube

It is most likely a permissions issue. Find the user processes running on the site by navigating to your sites wp-content folder on the server your site is on.

Then type this; ps aux egrep '(apache httpd)'Ignore root, but look at the other users root 2507 0.0 0.3 48? Ss Aug04 0:51 /usr/sbin/httpdapache 4653 0.5 1.9 42? S 16:27 0:14 /usr/sbin/httpdapache 4654 0.5 2.1 52? S 16:27 0:13 /usr/sbin/httpdapache 4656 0.8 2.0 42?

The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To Wp-content/uploads Pdf

Download whatsapp apk for windows. S 16:27 0:21 /usr/sbin/httpd.For me it actually was apache (usually www-data). Finally change the users of the uploads folder to this user; sudo chown -R apache:apache uploads(make sure you are in the directory above the uploads folder when running this command)This will permit the correct user to access this directory using the correct access permissions of 755.By using the dreadful '777' advice of others, you are simply allowing the correct user to access the directory assigned to the incorrect user - as well as anyone else who can access that directory!