Change Default Program Files Install Location Boot
Most of the applications ask the users where they want the application to be installed in their computer. But in many other cases, users are left with no option but to accept the location chosen by the program to install itself. Windows 10 provides the option of installing a software that is downloaded from the store to be installed anywhere. But other applications do not have this luxury. It is important where we install our new applications, as this greatly effects the system drive size. The purpose of this article is to get you familiarized with a free tool to change the default installation location in Windows.
The%ProgramFiles% variable is being used by the system to identify on where the Program Files folder is located, thus installing all applications in the folder. So if you want to change its value you must change the ' ProgramFilesDir ' key in the registry location that I pointed out. I reinstalled Windows onto the new hard drive. This gave a dual boot system. During the normal boot process, I selected the D drive as my default operating system.Now when new programs are installed, they install by default into the D drive eg: D: Program Files Safari.

The tool is Install Dir Changer. You can This is a small program that has the most useful application of changing the default installation folder in Windows. Before you go on experimenting with this free tool, don’t forget to as it would help you get back your stable windows version incase you land in trouble. Learn how to create a system restore point Once you are all set, follow the steps below to effectively change your windows default installation folder.Also read:STEP 1.

Get the application Install Dir Changer from the direct link given above. Once the application is downloaded, simply double click on it to run it.STEP 2. When the application launches, click on Enable Editing button to change the default installation location of programs. Musala soft internship.
Program files folder is for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows, whereas Program files (x86) is for 32-bit Windows versions.STEP 3. If you click on the three dots icon corresponding to Program Files or Program Files (x86), you will be able to browse through a window to select your default installation folder. Once you are done with the selection part, press on OK button as shown in the screenshot.STEP 4. When you are all set, click on Apply changes button for the changes to take over. Now all the future applications that you install on your system will be saved in the default location that you have specified.Note that this change won’t move the previously installed applications onto the new location.

It’s applicable only to the future installations. It’s always fun outsmarting a machine. Changing Windows default installation location is indeed something to play around with. Hope you found the article useful.
Change Default Program Files Install Location Boot On Mac
Almost the whole enchilada of freshly installed programs is directed to be stacked up in the “ Local Disk C” which is the default installation directory or path (which can be changed) that’s the way Windows OS has set it by default, withal, it is more appropriate and recommended location to keep approximately all the significant files for the software installed on the computer. However, it is not obligatory to adhere to the default install folder; the ball is in your court, choose any particular destination to keep all your program files at a place.
Program Files Yahoo Messenger
Although, all the 32-bit files most frequently sit in the Program files folder located in the C drive and similarly the 64-Bit data is situated in Program files(x86) Folder, so, this is the typical location commonly utilized to keep all the records in. The reason behind is that the operating system itself is stored in the C disk, so it is recommended to keep all the program files in one place, again! It is not compulsory. In conjunction, keeping all the operational data at one place makes the things elementary, for instance, if you ever come across predicaments regarding your operating system and it’s highly likely that a single file may cause the whole chaos. So if you have multiple locations to save the files, it will be a tiresome task to search for the appropriate data, anyways, if you do not consider it as a big deal, you are more than welcomed to carry out the amendments, make hay while the sun shines.Withal, “C” disk being the default directory for all the files whether they are pre-installed or not, carries a whole stack of files which occupies immense storage capacity, over and above, if there are heaps of files installed, chances are the “C drive” will be suffused and won’t welcome files to be saved any further. And so forth, there comes the dire need to shift the default directory to another path.
Thus, to refrain from facing any obstructions regarding the new files due to the inefficient storage capacity of the default directory, there are multiple methods available for the Windows user let it be Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10. The consumer may apply changes to all the above mentioned operating systems with the help of following instructions, switch around the path for program files, cut the mustard and get things done. Changing The Default Installation Directory In Windows 10/8/7 First Method Screen Shot No.01 & 02This approach works for Windows 7, Windows 8.1and Windows 10. It is pretty practical as enables the user to change the Directory settings itself. Refer to the first screenshot (No. 01 & 02).In the taskbar Type Regeditto access the Registry or RIGHT-Clickon the Windows Icon, Click on Run and Type Regedit in the newly opened box with the search bar. The process above will lead towards the Registry editor, navigate with the help of these instructions: HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft CurrentVersion.
Or simply paste this into the search bar of Registry editor: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftCurrentVersion. It will advance towards a new window with a mass of titles and information on the left side of the window.