Roundcubemail 0.5 1 Tar Gz

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IntroductionNowadays, many people use browser-based email clients like Gmail to access their email. However, if you want to stop seeing ads when you check your email, or if you’ve moved from a public email service to your own domain, you can run your own webmail client (also known as a mail user agent or MUA).is a modern and customizable IMAP-based webmail client written in PHP. It has a large set of features for viewing, organizing, and composing emails, as well as support for contacts and calendar management. /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini.Date; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions; = 'America/NewYork'.Next, search for the uploadmaxfilesize setting. This setting mainly affects uploading attachments. By default, it’s set to 2MB. You can set it to any amount you want, but most email servers limit the total attachment size to 10MB.

We’ll set it to 12MB here in the event that multiple users are adding attachments at the same time. /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini.mbstring.funcoverload = 0.Save and close the file.Your server is now set up with a LAMP stack, Roundcube’s dependencies, and the necessary PHP configuration. The next step is downloading the Roundcube software, installing it, and configuring it. Step 2 — Downloading RoundcubeAs with many projects in the Linux world, there are two ways to install Roundcube: from a package or from source. There is a PPA for Roundcube, but because the project is under active development, the PPA is often out of date.

Get notifications on updates for this project. Get the SourceForge newsletter. Get newsletters and notices that include site news, special offers and exclusive discounts about IT products & services. 1.2 初步安装 大致安装一下 (因为有3个文件下载不了需要自己手动配置,大致安装好postfix和dovecot) 解压: tar jxf iRedMail-0.7.3.tar.bz2 tar xzf iredmailpackages.tar.gz chmod a+x bash 1.3 安装好后测试smtp(postfix)和imap(dovecot)服务器: smtp服务器.

Roundcubemail 0.5 1 Tar Gz

You are not logged in. To discriminate your posts from the rest, you need to pick a nickname. (The uniqueness of nickname is not reserved. It is possible that someone else could use the exactly same nickname.

(At time of writing, the PPA is on version 1.2.3 but the project itself is at 1.3). To make sure we’re getting the most recent version, we’ll install from source.Navigate to the. Look under the Stable version section and locate the Complete package. Right click the Download button and select Copy Link Address.Use this address with wget to download the Roundcube tarball on the server. wget 1.3.0/roundcubemail- 1.3.0-complete.tar.gzDecompress the Roundcube archive.

tar -xvzf roundcubemail- 1.3.0-complete.tar.gzArguments for tar can be a bit, so here’s what each flag does:. The x flag stands for extract. The v flag stands for verbose, which tells tar to print the path and name of every file extracted. The z flag tells tar to not only remove the tar wrapper but to decompress the archive using gzip. We know the file is compressed with gzip because the file extension has.gz on the end.

The f flag stands for file. This must be the last flag because tar uses whatever immediately follows it as the file to be extracted.Next, move the decompressed directory to /var/www and rename it to roundcube. Make sure to omit the trailing / in the directory names because we want to move and rename the whole directory, not the contents in the directory. sudo mv roundcubemail-1.3.0 /var/www/roundcubeFinally, change the permissions to allow Apache to create and edit the files (like configuration files and logs).

Specifically, change the owner and group to www-data, and change the permissions to read and write for the owner and group, but read only for everyone else. sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/roundcube/. sudo chmod 775 /var/www/roundcube/temp/ /var/www/roundcube/logs/We’ve downloaded Roundcube’s code and updated its location and permissions, but it’s only partially installed at this point. To finish the installation, we need to connect Roundcube to our database via Roundcube’s GUI. Before we can do that, we need to tell Apache where Roundcube is so it can load the website. Step 3 — Configuring ApacheThe file we need to edit to configure Apache is a.

Virtual hosts are a feature that allow Apache to host multiple sites on the same server. Even if this is the only site Apache is hosting, it’s simpler and cleaner to use a virtual host configuration file than edit the main Apache configuration.Each.conf file located under /etc/apache2/sites-available/ represent a different site.

We’ll create a virtual host file here for Roundcube, then tell Apache about it so it can make it available via a browser.First, copy the default configuration file to use as a starting point for the new file. sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube.confOpen the file with your text editor. sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/roundcube.confWe’ll need to make a number of changes to this file. We’ll walk through each of them first, then provide the whole file to copy and paste.In the existing VirtualHost block, you’ll modify the following directives:. The ServerName tells Apache which domain to listen to. This should be your server IP address or domain name, if you’re using one.


Roundcubemail 0.5 1 Tar Gz 3

DocumentRoot specifies where to send traffic when it comes in. In our case, we should send it to Roundcube at /var/www/roundcube. ServerAdmin lets you specify an contact email address for any issues with Apache. We aren’t configuring Apache to do that in this tutorial, but it’s best practice to include it anyway. The two logging lines, ErrorLog and CustomLog, define where to save successful connection logs and error logs for this site. We need to give the error logs specific names so if there is an issue the logs specific to this site are easily found.Then, you’ll add a new Directory block which tells Apache what to do with the Roundcube directory. The first word in each line of a Directory block is the configuration name followed by the actual configuration options.

Options -Indexes tells Apache to display a warning if it can’t find an index.html or index.php file. By default, it will list the contents of the directory instead. AllowOverride All tells Apache that if a local.htaccess file is found, any options in that file override the global settings in this file. Order allow,deny tells Apache first to allow matching clients access to the site, and then to deny any that don’t match. allow from all is a followup to the Order line.

It defines what type of client is allowed, which is any in our case.Here’s what the file will look like once you’ve made these changes. For brevity, the comments have been removed.